How A ‘LinkedIn Profile’ Introduces The Whole YOU
A Senior Sales professional Ramesh (not real name) with 15 years plus experience had sent me his Resume. Ramesh is known to me as a professional. I realized was that the Resume had less than half the impact considering his talents, skills, and expertise. It did not introduce me to the WHOLE person, Ramesh. I asked him “ Why have you not emphasized key skills and achievements which are your differentiators? ” He said, “ I know but how does one present everything in a Resume ? ”. Though I appreciated his point of view, I also know that a well-written resume (2 pages) is very effective. Additionally, in today’s digital times, a LinkedIn profile has also got to be used. It is used to supplement your efforts in building your brand image. I studied his LinkedIn profile and noticed that like most senior professionals, he was not active. And he had not paid any attention to crafting his LinkedIn Profile. And the conte...